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Academic Advising Center


Kirt Robinson


718 270-5170 office


718 270-5181 fax



Academic Advising Center

The mission of the Academic Advising Center (AAC) is to provide students above 30 credits with accurate advisement, information, and resources related to curriculum requirements, academic standards, college policies, procedures and regulations, and personal concerns that may impact students’ academic performance. Each student is assigned a trained academic advisor and receives a comprehensive advising program from sophomore status through graduation.

Our advising philosophy takes a developmental approach, stressing the advisor-student relationship and the active role of students in developing an academic plan that is consistent with their academic and professional goals. The AAC’s operation is based on a dual model, which entails providing academic advisement and faculty mentoring services to students via an assigned academic advisor and department faculty. This model enables academic advisors, and faculty mentors to work collaboratively in meeting students’ needs and simultaneously address factors which impact student retention. In addition, the AAC forges strong collaborative working relationships between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs in its delivery of academic advising services.

The primary goal of the Academic Advising Center is to provide effective academic advising services to our students. The Center’s motto – “Preparation, Professionalism, Dedication”- reinforces our intrusive advisement methodology that provides for initial review, follow-up, continued outreach and appropriate interventions to cultivate students’ academic progress and success. Each Academic Advisor reports to the Director of the Academic Advising Center, and assists students with the following:

  • Creating an Education Action Plan if a student is on academic probation

  • Mapping four-year degree plan via Degree Works to ensure timely graduation

  • Utilizing Degree Works advising/graduation audit system and GradesFirst appointment and communication systems

  • Developing academic and professional goals during their undergraduate college experience and beyond

  • Understanding the purpose of general education and its relation to curricula

  • Identifying and assisting with resolving academic issues related to grades, academic progress, and degree completion

  • Addressing personal, social, and financial issues which serve as barriers to academic success

Students can schedule a thirty-minute appointment to speak with their assigned academic advisor or “walk-in” to utilize our fifteen-minute fast-track available advisor service.

The Academic Advising Center is located in the Student Services Building, Room S-220. The telephone number is 718 270-5170.