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Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Conduct

“The responsibility to secure and respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to learn is shared by all members of the academic community.”

Students attending the College are required to obey the laws of the City, State, and Nation, and they are expected to set and observe a proper standard of conduct both within and outside the College.

Policy on Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty of any type, including cheating and plagiarism, is unacceptable at Medgar Evers College. Cheating is any misrepresentation in academic work. Plagiarism is the representation of another person’s work, words, or ideas as your own. Students should consult the Medgar Evers College Academic Dishonesty Policy and Procedure Handbook for specific regulations and procedures related to academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is punishable by failure of the test, examination, term paper, or other assignment on which cheating occurred. In addition, disciplinary proceedings in cases of academic dishonesty may result in penalties of admonition, warning, censure, disciplinary probation, restitution, suspension, expulsion, complaint to civil authorities, or ejection. For the full CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity, please see CUNY’s website at:

College I.D. Cards

College I.D. cards validated for the current semester must be carried at all times and must be presented upon the request by any office. All visitors and guests of students must obtain a pass from Campus Security.

Representing the College

No student or student organization may be a self-appointed representative of Medgar Evers College or any division thereof, nor of The City University of New York.